Five Places to Squeeze Out a Tune

Glass sculptor Dale Chihuly collects them. Well-known practitioners include Charles Dickens, Richard Nixon and Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket). Long associated with lederhosen and bubble machines, the accordion is enjoying a resurgence in popularity and is showing up in modern music in imaginative, new ways. Accordions are hip and increasingly ubiquitous. Whether you want to get your arms around this hot new trend, or just catch a live gig, here are five places to dive into squeezebox culture. Petosa Accordion Museum, Seattle The Petosa family has been making handcrafted accordions since 1922. Adjoining the factory, which is open to visitors, is the largest accordion museum on the West Coast. A collection of 100 instruments are on display, including some that date back to the nineteenth century. Factory and museum hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. 313 NE 45th Street. (206) 632-2733. Jim Boggio Monument, Cotati This statue of Jim Continue Reading →